- Creative Stockphotos
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- Oil Painting Set - Dog Portraits
Oil Painting Set - Dog Portraits
per item
A set of 12 AI generated oil paintings of a dog portrait.
All images have been especially created for art students and artists alike. You can use them for any type of freelance and personal artwork creation and commercial purposes.
Absolutely NO resale of the items themselves are permitted.
1 User - Commercial Use: unlimited projects
Zip file with 12 PNG images dimensions 1024 x 1204 pixels (36 x 36cm) 1.3MB - 1.4MB in size. Full file size 17.7MB
Take into account that these images are JPGs with a white background and don't have transparency.
Refunds, exchanges or cancellations are not available for items that you can download immediately. Should you have any issues with your purchase, please get in contact with us.