Watercolour painting exercises for beginners to intermediates to aid in getting a daily routine.
April Week 1
01 APR
02 APR
03 APR
04 APR
05 APR
06 APR
07 APR
Paint Tea Time
Today we are painting tea time. Take a little time to set up a little still life and if you can't finish this illustration today, use the "Catch Up Day" to finish it.
Paint an Envelope
Today we create a little illustration of an envelope with some flowers.
Paint Sea Shells
Paint a couple of sea shells.
Paint Sea Shell No 2
And some more shells and a sea star.
Paint Sea Shells No 3
Today is the last day of our shell collection.
Paint Wine Bottle Opener
Antique wine bottle openers, especially with wooden handles provide an interesting subject to paint.
Catch Up Day
Today you can either rest, or try to finish some of the uncompleted work due for this week.
April Week 2
08 APR
09 APR
10 APR
11 APR
12 APR
13 APR
14 APR
Paint a Living Room
This week we are painting interior home settings.
We begin with a living room. You can use your own home and change a few things to give it some interest or pull out some magazines or look online and get creative.
Paint an Armchair
Paint any armchair maybe with a plant or light next to it and indicate a little part of the wall behind. You do not need to paint the whole wall to create an illustration. Keep it interesting.
Paint a Coffee Table
Set up any coffee table with some home decor and have some fun painting it.
Paint Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts look nice both still in their green shell and opened.
Paint Coral Illustration
For this coral illustration use a lot of colours ranging from red, orange, yellow, blue and greys.
Paint Tropical Fish
There is such variety of tropical fish that can be explored. Here are the first two examples.
Catch Up Day
Today you can either rest, or try to finish some of the uncompleted work due for this week.
April Week 3
15 APR
16 APR
17 APR
18 APR
19 APR
20 APR
21 APR
Paint Sea Shells
The variety of sea shells seem endless and have the effect of calming ones mind.
Today we illustrate also those who when held at an ear we will hear the sound of the ocean.
Paint Sea Shells No 4
Here we have two more forms of those sea shells. You will be a shell expert by the end of it.
Paint Sea Shells No 5
Today is the very last day of painting our theme, sea shells.
Paint Colourful Eggs
Today we illustrate some emu eggs that have been painted colorfully. You can come up with your own ideas for some beautiful patterns.
Paint Sea Weed
Just a simple painting today of some sea weed.
Paint a Toucan
The toucan is such an amazing bird to paint. Add a bit of green and we have a simple illustration.
Catch Up Day
Today you can either rest, or try to finish some of the uncompleted work due for this week.
April Week 4
22 APR
23 APR
24 APR
25 APR
26 APR
27 APR
28 APR
Paint Precious Stones
Precious stones are another subject for which there is lots of variation that can be painted.
When a stone is rather glossy you will find some sharp highlight, whereas when a stone is more matte, the highlight will have softer edges.
Paint Precious Stone No 2
Here are some more of the wonderful variation of precious stones.
Try to use the layer lines as an indication to bring out the form of the stones.
Paint Precious Stone No 3
Our final day for painting the beauty of precious stones. As practice makes perfect, you may have gotten the hang of painting stones by now.
Paint Colourful Leaves
Note how softly the leaves are curling forward and backward. Also keep the colours harmonious and soft.
Paint Flower
Choose any flower you like to paint today.
Paint Rose Buds & Leaves
Pink rose buds and some simple leaves for today.
Catch Up Day
Today you can either rest, or try to finish some of the uncompleted work due for this week.
April Week 5
29 APR
30 APR
Paint Coffee Beans & Plant
For this beautiful illustration learn how to paint the beans in such way that the 3 dimensional effect really comes into effect. Watch carefully where the highlight and shadow areas are to get good results.
Paint Salad Ingredients
Just take a few ingredients you would add to a salad and you have today's painting theme.