Learn to Draw for 15 Minutes a Day
Drawing is the 'bones' of art. You have to be able to walk before you can run
Here are two simple and fun exercises to get you started in becoming better at drawing accurately. With practice, you can learn to draw not only what you see, but what you imagine.
You'll need a stopwatch/timer, paper (anything will do!), pen, pencil, or marker, and a few random objects like toys, kitchen implements, or jewellery Whatever you have around is fine. Alternatively, you could use images found online. In some ways these are easier to draw from because they're already flattened to a two dimension. You'll also need a gentle attitude toward yourself. Your masterpieces maybe quite a ways down the road at this point, so expecting to make drawings you're proud of at the start is unrealistic and will lead to frustration. In fact, just plan to throw away your drawings at first. The goal is to enjoy yourself and learn.